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The Earth Inventory in 8K HDR

Discover the world in 8K HDR on your TCL TV
The Explorers embarks you on its journey with TCL to discover the world's natural, cultural and human heritage in the highest resolution: 8KHDR/4KHDR!
Know better to protect better

The Explorers + is our premium movie catalog in Ultra High Definition (8K/4K HDR). Hundreds of videos already available and daily new content on your TCL TV.
With your TCL TV, get 3 months free of The Explorers +
Close to reality, the 8K/UHD technology is the firsthand immersion in natural environments.
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Contemplate, learn, protect
Dozens of exclusive videos and documentaries inventorying the Earth wonders each month. The Explorers highlight its natural and cultural diversities: biodiversity, know-how, landscapes, all the beauty our planet gathers!
Know better to protect better
Know better to protect better
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