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Works from all around the world
The 6,561 square ft (2,000 m²) of exhibition halls of the Fondation Carmignac are extended by an outdoor space designed as a non-garden around the Villa. In this nature space, a journey of appearance and disappearance of works by international artists (Jean Denant, Alexandre Farto AKA Vhils, Jeppe Hein, Gonzalo Lebrija, Wang Keping, Olaf Breuning, Tom Friedman, Nils-Udo, Jaume Plensa, Ugo Rondinone, Ed Ruscha, Tom Sachs, Cornelia Konrads, Huma Bhabha) has been landscaped with trees and shrubs. These works inspired by the spirit of the site thus play with the surrounding nature and the senses of the visitors whose presence to the world they question.
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