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A more intimate seaside resort
The wave of enthusiasm for the sea baths affected the Côte d'Albâtre (Alabaster Coast) in various ways. Dieppe and Deauville experienced extraordinary growth that has never wavered since the start of the 20th century. Other sites have remained less developed like Vattetot-sur-Mer and its Vaucottes Beach. The hill that overlooks it was, however, built with opulent villas. They numbered 10 in 1901 and 32 in 1906, in addition to a café opened in 1870 and a small hotel in 1886. A few bathing cabins were set up on the beach in 1883, run by a former lifeguard sailor. Nearby Étretat attracted most visitors and experienced more significant growth for the great pleasure of those seeking the intimacy of Vattetot-sur-Mer.
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