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Territorial cohesion through churches
William the Pious, donor of the lands of Cluny, is a representative of the high Frankish aristocracy. Born around 870 to Bernard Plantevelue and Ermengarde of Auvergne, he reigned from 886 to his death in 918 over a region comprising Auvergne, Berry, Velay, Gévaudan, Mâconnais, and Gothia. The foundation of Cluny, established on the eastern edge of its territory, participates in its cohesion policy through the control of churches. The act of foundation of 910 clearly expresses the intentions of the Duke of Aquitaine: I make this gift by asking that a regular monastery be built in Cluny in honor of Saints Peter and Paul and that monks live there as a community according to the rule of Blessed Benedict.
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