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A remarkable garden in a global biodiversity hotspot
Labeled 'remarkable garden' in 2015, the and park of Habitation Céron in Le Prêcheur in Martinique extends over 16,404 square feet (5,000 m²). It occupies the northern and western slopes of Mount Pelée recognized as the 4th global biodiversity hotspot for their tropical forest. To be qualified as a 'hotspot', a site must meet two criteria : 1,500 endemic species - i.e. more than 5 % of the species present on Earth - must have been identified there and 70 % of its original habitat must have disappeared. This is the case of the lands of the Habitation Céron estate where the lush tropical forest has rubbed shoulders for several centuries with sugar cane, cocoa, coffee and cassava plantations and today has more than 3,000 cocoa trees.
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