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A decline from the 15th century
Flourishing in the 13th and 14th centuries, Notre-Dame de Sénanque Abbey's situation deteriorated at the beginning of the 15th century. The conflicts that ravaged the region gradually deprived it of its rich heritage, the subsidies collapsed, and the vocations dried up, leading to a fall in the number of monks from around forty to three in 1439. During the French Wars of Religion of the 16th century, the southern part of the monastery and the archives were burnt. The refectory, the fountain of the cloister, and the building of the lay brothers were destroyed, and twelve monks were hanged. Following the death of the last monk of Sénanque in 1781, the abbey was sold as a national property for 28,000 francs on September 24, 1792, and stripped of all its religious elements.
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