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The Polynesian Local Stranding Network on the field
The association Mata Tohora is in charge of the Local Stranding Network in French Polynesia. This network is made up of more than 40 referents all over French Polynesia, trained by Mata Tohora for effective emergency interventions. Few days ago, the inhabitants of Tautira area indicates the association Mata Tohora and the Local Stranding network the presence of a whale trapped in the coral reefs. The local referent of the network was able to respond quickly with the firefighters boat to guide the whale towards the offshore. A municipal officer was on the spot too to keep other boats away, and to avoid stressing the animal and making the situation more complicated. According to the local referent, it was a Cuvier’s beaked whale. The high number of calls received to report the whale in danger is a sign of the interest by local people for cetaceans conservation but also a sign of success of the Local Stranding Network! Mata Tohora whishes to thank the police station, the fire station, the Mayor of Tautira and the inhabitants for their spontaneous collaboration.
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