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The management of water in Qatar
Luxury infrastructures developed in Qatar – such as the Place Vendôme shopping centre in Lusail (pictured) – are multiplying the number of swimming pools and leisure pools, while the country is running short of water. Between 2010 and 2019, the country’s water consumption increased by more than 70%, reaching 500 litres of water/inhabitant/day. In Qatar, 99% of fresh water is produced by two desalination plants (in Ras Abou Fontas and Ras Laffan) which have only a few days’ supply. In 2018, the national company Karhamaa – which manages water and electricity resources – commissioned some fifteen reservoirs capable of storing 10 million cubic metres of fresh water. This capacity should increase to 17 million cubic metres with the construction of sixteen additional reservoirs by 2026. The reserves should then correspond to the national consumption over seven days.
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Place Vendôme Mall 25.4050223, 51.5207924
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