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Part of a nature park
Madine Lake is 3,10 miles long (5 km) and 0,30 to 1,55 miles wide (500 m to 2.4 km). Its depth varies from 8 to 46 ft (2,4 to 14 m). It is part of the Lorraine Regional Nature Park that covers nearly 542,150 acres (219,400 ha) over the Meuse, Meurthe-et-Moselle, and Moselle departments (11% of the region's surface area). The Woëvre plain and the Meuse shores extend in the heart of the Park. They consist of varied landscapes of forests and valleys. The Woëvre plain, which includes the 2,718 acres (1,100 ha) of Madine Lake, is also a land of water and ponds.
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