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Ormana - Button houses
Have you ever heard of button houses? These are houses as you can find them in Ürünlü - the area around Ormana - at 1000 meters above sea level in the Taurus Mountains. The oldest houses date back to the 17th century and are thus partly 300 years old. The peculiarity? They are only made of stones and cedar - so without binding elements. Their name is due to sawed cedar trees, which look like a button on the house facade. Just a stone's throw away, the region's next highlight awaits you: the Altınbeşik Cave, which houses the largest underground lake, which in turn flows into the emerald-green Manavgat River, transforming the mountain into a breathtaking drive through the mountainous wilderness. There is even more to betray: the legendary Silk Road is another highlight of this picturesque mountain region and horse lovers will fall in love with their wild horses. More pictures will follow. What do you know about the Silk Road?
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