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The Trent 900-91004 engine
The Trent 900 turbojet engine of the Airbus A380 was developed by Rolls-Royce from 1996, according to a precise specification. The engine had to be capable of taking off a maximum mass of 575 tonnes and flying over long distances – up to 9,321 miles (15,000 km) at a subsonic speed between 559.2 and 621.4 mph (900 and 1,000 km/h). The Trent 900 engine on display in the Concorde Hall of the Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace (Air and Space Museum) bears the serial number 91004. Manufactured in 2005, this high bypass ratio turbofan engine was used for testing the Airbus jumbo-jet and has completed more than 400 flights and 1,100 hours of operation.
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