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The most common lizard in Martinique
Anolis roquet is nicknamed Zandoli in Martinique, from where it originates. Omnipresent in houses and gardens, it is the most common lizard on the island with the house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia). Historically endemic to Martinique, it was introduced by humans to many other islands, probably during the trade in ornamental or agricultural plants in which it tends to lay its eggs. Martinique has six anole subspecies recognizable by their morphological differences, patterns, and colorations related to their habitats and their climatic conditions. These differences between populations originated 6 to 8 million years ago when Martinique was made up of three small separate islands where each population derived genetically and acquired specific characteristics linked to its own ecosystem. This small-sized lizard (maximum 0.6 foot / 20 cm in total length in the male) has a background color that ranges from light gray to bright green or even blue. Homochrome like the chameleon, it has no standard coloring but different liveries linked to its geographical origin and the evolution of its environment. It climbs with great agility on all surfaces thanks to its enlarged fingers covered with lamellae and setae (hairs) that allow adhesion.
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