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From grain to exhibitions and concerts
The large open-air rotunda of Alençon's Halle au Blé (wheat market) opened in 1812 to store grain. In 1815, the merchants of the Chandeleur Fair moved to the 1st floor. The market was destroyed in 1836 by a fire during a circus show. In 1865, the architect Charles Arnoul and the engineer Charles Croquefer installed a glass dome 14 ft (35 m) in diameter. Some 115 glass panels form a 10,763 sq ft (1,000 m²) surface inserted in iron arches supported by 16 cast-iron columns for a total weight of 45 tons. Some say they designed it from plans by Gustave Eiffel. The Halle au Blé now houses the Cité des Métiers and welcomes exhibitions and concerts.
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