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Last observations before humpback whales go back to Antarctica
In a few weeks, the humpback whales will leave Polynesian waters and begin their migration to Antarctica. The Mata Tohora team takes advantage of these moments to complete its observations and its study on the population impact of humpback whales during the reproduction in Tahiti and Moorea. The aim is to limit, or even stop, human pressure for the protection of these vulnerable species in one of the largest sanctuaries in the world.
On average, in 64% (Tahiti) and 57% (Moorea) of cases, the whales show significant signs of disturbance, such as fleeing, the movement towards the open sea, sounding followed by movement, securing the calf or jumping followed by a moving. These reactions have a very damaging negative impact and endanger the calf. To avoid these disturbances, Mata Tohora continues its daily work to raise awareness among sea users.
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