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Cinque Terre after sunset
The beauty of this village... even a photo can’t do justice. Manerola, built on the rocks hundreds of years ago by farmers producing wine on the steep terraces, has so many layers. A true marvel to explore along the Italian coast line. We hiked from village to village in order to explore the most of them (most are not accessible by car) and took a kayak back. Talking to the local people in order to write a fascinating article, we got blown away by the resistency of the people here for centuries have lived in harsh conditions being mostly self-sufficient. Unfortunately Airbnb has changed theirs way of generating an income leading to barren vineyards and erosion which is made worse by the millions of tourists visiting (there is a train line between the villages.) If you ever want to explore Cinque Terre do it by kayak or hiking and support the farming families who will happily have you taste their delicious wines!
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