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Cable car ascent and off-piste descent
Since 1970, it has been possible to reach the glaciers of La Meije thanks to a cable car in two sections from La Grave. The first section allows climbing from 4,921 ft (1,500 m) to 7,874 ft (2,400 m) (Peyrou d'Amont), the second up to 10,465 ft (3,190 m) (Les Ruillans). On arrival, visitors can still extend the ascent by the ski lift of the Girose glacier to reach the Dôme de Lauze at 11,679 ft (3,560 m). These lifts are the highest in France after the Aiguille du Midi cable car (12,604 ft / 3,842 m) in Chamonix. After the ascent, the Vallons de la Meije (photo) and the Vallons de Chancel constitute the two great classic off-piste downhill routes and offer 6,561 ft (2,000 m) of negative elevation for skiers.
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