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Foraging and stoppage of nectariferous secretion
Essential agents of plants reproduction through cross-pollination, bees are also at the origin of the stoppage of the nectariferous secretion in lavandin. This halt in the waste of sweet matter results from the foraging by bees. In true lavender, on the other hand, such phenomenon is linked to the germination of pollen and the formation of hormones determining the end of the ephemeral period of flowering and nectariferous secretion. In lavandin, where the pollen is reduced to its envelopes, it is the secretions of the bees' salivary glands used for the constitution of the balls which cause the flower's death and the stoppage of the nectariferous secretion. For lavender growers, this stoppage corresponds to an interesting saving in sugar which can be used in the formation of essences.
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