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A seizure of 272 spider tortoises entrusted to the Turtle Village
As 2021 has just started, the Tortoise Village des Tortues de Mangily-Toliara in Madagascar has just received 272 spider tortoises (Pixis arachnoides), resulting from illegal trafficking. These specimens were entrusted to the Village by the Regional Department for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
This tortoise closely resembles the radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata). Both species largely share their range. Endemic to Madagascar, the spider tortoise is Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Global Species. Indeed, since the radiated tortoise has become rare, poachers do not hesitate to trap and illegally sell these tortoises. Like the radiated tortoise, its natural environment is severely degraded: the species could disappear within 60 to 80 years!
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