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A parish church aligned with a wooden pontoon
Saint-Henri des Anses-d'Arlet Church - also called Sainte-Hyacinthe Church - is a Roman Catholic parish church located in the market town of Anses-d'Arlet, in Martinique. It stands by the sea in exact alignment with the wooden pontoon of the Anse d'Arlet beach, with which it forms a popular place with a unique photogenicity. It is attached to the Archdiocese of Saint-Pierre and Fort-de-France. Protected as a Historical Monument since March 16, 1995, it was initially erected in the second half of the 17th century before being rebuilt several times following the passage of cyclones. The monument's current bell tower and roof date from 2008. The church now consists of a three-nave, a transept with a chapel at each end, and a choir ending in a semi-circular apse. The choir is lit by four arched bays, two of which have stained-glass windows designed in 1975 by the Tournel master glassmakers.
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