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A courtyard named after a chief squire
The Cour d'Abzac is a side courtyard of the Haras National du Pin in the Orne department. It extends behind the first stable on the left of the Cour Colbert when facing the castle. The Cour d'Abzac bears the name of a French noble family that gave France several squires, including Pierre-Marie d'Abzac (1739-1827), titled Viscount of Abzac, appointed squire in command of the riding school of the Grande Écurie under Louis XVI then chief squire and director of the first riding-school of Versailles under Louis XVIII. His brother Jean-François d'Abzac de Sarrazac (1747-1831), also squire and commander of the riding school of Versailles in succession to Pierre-Marie, took over the management of the stud farms of Strasbourg in 1806 and then of Le Pin in 1809. The Cour d'Abzac was hence named in tribute to him.
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