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Françoise d’Aubigné and Louis de Mornay
Ninon de Lenclos (1620-1706) met Françoise d’Aubigné (1635-1719) when she was 16 years old and became her patron. Ninon invited Françoise to join her at the manor of Villarceaux, the property of her lover, Louis de Mornay, where she had her own pavilion. After his break-up with Ninon, the Marquis de Villarceaux tried to seduce Françoise, now Madame Scarron. No one knows what happened but Louis de Mornay painted a canvas of Françoise as a naked Diana, still on display in the dining room of the Château du Haut (Upper Castle). Widowed, Madame Scarron became the favourite and then the wife of Louis XIV and a modest veil fell over her past.
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